Hear what our incredible clients have to say about working with Freedom is Within
"I have been in the Freedom is Within program for what is now just a bit over six weeks. My journey was a little bit interesting in the sense that during this time, I was going through both quite a big personal event in my life. At the same time I was trying to, change myself as an individual and focus on my career. I found the approach that was taken by Matilda was cathartic and really enlightening. I was able to discover a lot of things about myself that I wasn't aware of, I found that, the program has helped me not only manage my own emotions through what is what has been the most challenging period in my life, but also, it's allowed me to look at situations, problems and challenges with a different lens that I thought I would not be able to do. I have found the program to be really, really engaging. Matilda has been an excellent support, not just as a as a development coach, but also just as a human being that I can have really open conversations with and that's been really cathartic, especially in this journey of mine. So yeah, I’m quite happy with the program, It's been truly remarkable. And for the remaining time that I'm in this program, I wish to learn a lot more about myself and potentially unlock a lot more strength in me."
Ashmid Ahmed - Commercial Manager - Supply Chain at Bapcor
I decided to look for a life coach when I had two babies under two and life just felt like it was spinning on its head. I needed to centre myself again and regroup and give myself a foundation as a parent. Life felt really hard. Since doing my program, I know that if you do the work, you get the results. The way I feel about myself now is hugely different. It’s the first time in my life that I have truly looked within for acknowledgment, respect, attention, assurance and all those things I thought I had to look outside for to be happy.
I can now look at situations and reflect from a higher self and the more I practice these things the more aware I am of my thoughts and what’s happening in my responses to these things and the more aware I am as a whole. The person I was looking for the most was myself and I have definitely found that person.
I've really enjoyed looking at the aspects of my life and myself (which hasn’t been easy) but it is so worthwhile. I feel proud and content with the way I am now. The way I can go about my life and be the mother, the wife and be the self I want to be. I am proud to be me.
In the two months I’ve been working with Tilly I’ve seen a real change in myself and I think the people I love and who I work with have seen a real change in me as well. Tilly had a way of helping me look at what I wanted to achieve, to really clearly identify what the roadblocks were that I was throwing up in my own way. With her, I was able to strategise and think about ways to work around, overcome and dissolve those roadblocks and it sounds corny but really reach my full potential. I couldn’t be more happy with the progress I have made in my career, and on a personal level too. It’s not some magic solution. Tilly is a hard-task-masker and she helps me take a long hard look at myself and be realistic about the ways I may have self sabotaged in the past and work on ways to overcome that and really get the most out of my career and the most out of my life. I am only 2 months through the 3-month process and I cant even begin to imagine what I am going to achieve in this last month of our program. Already, what I have been able to achieve professionally has been beyond my wildest dreams and it’s an incredibly empowering opportunity to give myself.
I’m actually starting to enjoy being me! I feel authentic, like I’m doing the things I want to do and I’m challenging myself.
It is crazy how I feel now, to what I did a month and a half ago when in a dark dark hole, it is amazing to have the opportunity to work with Tilly and get the tools and the resources to dig myself out, too see the light and know, it only gets better from here.
Coaching clarified a lot for me. Systematically, I can now work through things and when I continue to put the strategies in place and extend upon the changes that I have made, which were quite significant, it should be relatively easy for me to go through the areas and tidy up anything that I'd still like to address.
The outcome for myself over a relatively short period of time has been transformative and the possibilities within the domain of relationships for me are now completely open and there are no longer the barriers that I was putting in place previously.
In the past, I would never seek help, and I got to a point where I was sick of my own shit. When I started working with Matilda, something always shifted straight after each session. I have better relationships and now have great boundaries (and can say no) around work, clients, family and friends. I have healed my relationship with my parents and I can now have great conversations with them. I stopped doing what I didn't love and I'm no longer scared anymore because I know everything is in flow.
I saw all the reviews online that led me to Matilda. I was really skeptical, but within 45 minutes of my first session, in which I didn't have to pay for, Matilda was able to make me see what was possible; what I was capable of and unleashed this power inside me that I never thought I had. I hated my job, but after our first session I started loving my job, which I thought was insane! Every day I was laughing, going to work finding all these amazing things about my job. Within 2 weeks I had achieved my entire year's target! Just crazy!
There is no price that could pay for what she did for me. Do yourself a favour; I guarantee you won't be disappointed because this has been by far the best decision I have ever made in my life and I am so thankful and grateful for having Matilda as my coach.
Working with Matilda has absolutely changed my life. She’s helped me work through understanding what really makes me happy. The biggest realisation for me during this whole process is realising my happiness comes from within. I also have a lot more self-awareness and now know everything I need is actually within me.
I have found that working with Matilda has been a revelation to me because she has helped me identify my limiting beliefs and overcome them. In a very practical, no-nonsense and insightful way, that can sometimes feel intense, but I can tell you very affective.
Matilda has made a positive change within my mental game; around strategic planning for business growth. Getting my head in the right space to move forward, in a bold, clear and decisive way. I’m really excited about the future!
“When I read about Matilda I thought wow this could really make a difference in my life. I was a little bit sceptical at first particularly because of the financial outlay but it has benefited me greatly mainly in the relationships sphere. Across all the relationships in my life, from being more connected to my children, more patience with them, more compassion, being in the moment. I have reconnected with my mum, which is a big important one to me. Also the day to day connections with friends and colleges has really changed the quality of my life. The biggest change is the relationship I have with myself and really being able to like myself and changing the negative self talk to being much more positive and loving towards myself. The techniques have been pretty broad, from quiet an analytical, very organised approach by looking at your life and the difference spheres; as well as some more mystical ways like going back to childhood events and changing the meaning that you took from that, therefore changing the beliefs about yourself. I am only half way through the journey with Matilda but I have really noticed they quality of my life and the happiness that I feel day to day has dramatically improved and I think that probably most people would benefit from this.”
The impact on my emotional well-being after just four sessions with Matilda was actually quite profound. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders and for the first time in three years I actually experienced the blissful embrace of a full nights sleep. Eight uninterrupted hours of restorative slumber. I look back in awe at the journey I’ve traveled with Matilda by my side, it wasn’t just about addressing the surface-level issues. It was actually about diving deep into the past crack and rebuilding my emotional resilience.
I definitely recommend Matilda. I was just drifting through life. I thought I had good goals, but nothing was written down. We went through a process of goals and the key for me was prioritising time for my family and kids. Matilda has provided me with some great skills and I now have more present family time. She kept me very accountable throughout the process. She always makes sure you're going to get the best outcome from the program.
I needed a change in my mindset and a set of new skills to manage personal life and get the Masters that I completed out into the world. From Matilda I have received care, support and a companion in a deeply professional and even playing field. I know there is something else now, there is something more I can have. To dream big and be confident, to know that what I have and what I am is worthy. Things now are limitless. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without that weekly contact and support. So if you are thinking should I do it, think about what happens if you don’t do it?!
"Matilda's coaching allowed me to live a life that's richer, and filled with more gratitude and curiosity. I also found that Matilda was fantastic in being adaptable to my needs. We didn't have a set program as such, she worked with me to achieve what I thought I needed to work on to improve. She was great in flipping between being a personal coach, and at times she became a business coach, where she was able to motivate me, guide me, keep me accountable, to keep me improving on my business journey. So I can't thank Matilda enough for the work she's done with me and I would recommend Freedom is Within to anybody. If you're thinking about getting a personal coach, reach out to Matilda and her team to have a chat and see if coaching is right for you too."
Stuart Ellis - Business Owner - Performance Car Lounge
“Some of the tools that I wasn't sure I believed in were actually the most impactful for me and elicited some of the strongest emotional responses for me. I encourage anybody whose thinking about this to take a chance to be open to new possibilities, to allow yourself to actually listen to your own mind and body when you are going through this process and to just be aware that the only person holding you back is yourself.”
Shannon Jordon
Senior Manager - Operations
“Matilda methods helped me focus what is a priority in my life and now I look forward to any challenges. I've really enjoyed learning the new methods and techniques to understand what's really important to me and unlock the potential and the power that is within me. It's been a really great experience and I refer back to the methods and techniques on a daily basis.”
Michael Johnstone
Small Business Owner
"Matilda has given me belief in myself and helped me clarify what my actual goals are; which is a massive thing for me! I've been able to define my plan, I am feeling so focused and it's been wonderful to have Matilda as my support."
Judy Brookes
Lead Site Services - GEMCO
"I didn’t realise the stuff that came up was going to come up and it was very surprising. It really shifted some energy for me. It felt like I’d gone from this stagnant place from where I was holding onto things; to a place of freedom!
Another time I had chronic back pain and was bed ridden then after one session I was up and walking the next day! It was amazing!"
Chloe Kingsford
Director - Strength City
"I took the necessary steps to make certain things a reality. I changed the way I looked at the world, I realised a lot of the problems that I thought I had were quite easily solved because there were so many opportunities around me that I had never opened my eyes to. I realised I could get them resolved quite quickly."
Freedom Mawoyo
Entrepeneur - Sydney / Africa
"Matilda worked with me to further develop my self-confidence and she provided me with effective strategies for empowering self-talk and self-love. I continue to use the skills and strategies that Matilda has taught me on a daily basis. I am now at the end of the 3 month program and I can honestly say that I feel like a new and improved me. A valuable and empowering program that was delivered by an expert coach."
Nadine Taragoulias
Assistant Principal - Kahiba
"I started to see positive changes in my personal and my professional life, as my point of view started to shift in both my awareness and perspective. The combination of Matilda’s amazing coaching methods and the interaction was excellent and each week was a constant motivator. I can highly recommend the program to anyone considering coaching who wants to see some defined changes in their life"
Michael Pagano
Account Manager
"Coaching with Matilda has really changed the way I view myself and how I deal with certain situations. It strengthened the relationship with my partner, family and friends.
She helped me get over my body dysmorphia plus I cleared up my face from acne and lost 7 kgs! I now have a healthier mindset, healthier diet and healthier lifestyle."
Clarissa Cabral
Customer Specialist - Latitude
"The program gave me skills for more positive observations on the world influences and the choices I make in every situation, dramatically affecting outcomes of the day for the better. I now have more confidence in my organisational and decision-making ability, as well as a clearer view of what's really important to me. I'm enjoying this better direction and wisdom that I'm experiencing daily from changing my perspective on situations that develop."
Daniel Jerabek
MMU Operator - ORICA
“I am running multiple successful high-stress businesses, and I wanted to find a coach because I still did not feel like I was the best version of myself. Having sought out other therapies, non of which had a huge impact on behaviour, mindset or long-term changes, I was still to waking up with no zest and falling back into old habits shortly after. Matilda and I connected in an initial session, and even though I did not believe I could make the changes I wanted to in such a short time, that first session gave me hope that something would be different this time. The process of coaching with Matilda was the only thing that’s ever been effective in my commitment to lean in, which has made it so successful. When I think about what has improved since starting the program, my answer would be ‘me’. I have improved as a person; I have removed the guilt and anxiety that was crippling and exhausting me daily. I listen to myself now, I have a toolbox Matilda has given me to use if I am stressed or overwhelmed. I just feel lighter. I originally thought my coaching was about changing my perceived bad habit, but it was more about having a good relationship with myself. I now tell myself subconsciously and consciously, “You are a good mum, you are a good wife, and you are a freaking good businesswoman!” This profound change in my narrative has changed how I see myself and the world around me. I am handling the stress much better, and even though things still happen, I am somewhat at a level of acceptance and know I have many more journeys to go on and appreciate the tools I know now and can use daily.”
Anonymous *photo from unsplash
Publicly Listed Company Director
I was looking to something outside of myself to make me feel better about myself and what Matilda showed me was that if you need something outside of yourself you are always going to loose.
That's the way I had been living my life for a long time. Matilda helped me find freedom by changing my focus. I'm not searching for pleasure by depending on something that's outside of my control. I'm searching for pleasure through things that are in my control, the way I live my life, the person who I want to be and that's how Matilda helped me change my life.
Nisal Karunaratne
Australia Post
I was tangled up in no confidence and anxiety. It wasn't allowing me to go out and do the things I want to do. I decided too see Matilda and she gave me all the resources to change my train of thought. She gave me so much; and Danielle was just as good!
It's completely changed my life! I've got my confidence and a bigger take on life, I feel like I can do anything if I put my mind to it, there is nothing holding me back but myself.
Jessica Coble
Vet Tech
Before I met Mario, I was lacking in self confidence, communication skills as well as social interaction within my workplace, as well as outside my workplace. I needed to improve that, so I sought out a personal coach. Mario has become a valuable teacher for me as he gives me valuable information, knowledge and experiences and allows me to apply it in real life. He knows what I lacked and what I needed to improve on, such as communication. In just a few weeks, I saw a lot of improvement as I was applying his methods and knowledge. If you want a personal coach, I would definitely recommend Mario. He will help you and keep you accountable.
Ryan Regin
IT Engineer
“I came to Matilda as I was sick and tired but wanted to feel alive again. Time was passing by and I wasn’t fully enjoying life and was constantly stressing out. Since starting the program (it has only been one month so far) in our sessions, we have worked through practical strategies that I can implement daily to make the changes I want to see. We have done some more woo-woo stuff which didn’t really make sense at the time but really worked! Since my first month not only has my self-talk and health improved but a personal relationship conflict that was weighing heavily on my has been resolved as an effect of the coaching. All of these were holding a high emotional weight on me so it’s a relief to have this change in my life. I look forward to the final two months of the program.”
Anonymous *photo from unsplash
Property Development Manager
Acknowledgement of Country
Freedom is Within respectfully operates on Awabakal and Worimi land, and we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge that we live, work and play on the lands of the oldest living culture known to the world.
We honour this privilege and responsibility with respect, humility and curiosity. We acknowledge the wisdom, diversity and innovation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of seeing and being, and their elders past, present and emerging.
© Copyright 2017-2024. Freedom is Within Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.